Wicca and Paganism
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Alive with Spirits
Alive with Spirits
The Path and Practice of Animistic Witchcraft. by Althaea Sebastiani
Awakening the Witchblood
Awakening the Witchblood
Embodying the Arte Magical. by Nathan King (Author), Wycke Malliway (Illustrator)
Dance of the Sun Goddess
Dance of the Sun Goddess
Pagan Folkways of the Baltic Coast. by Kenneth Johnson
Descent & Rising
Descent & Rising
Women's Stories & the Embodiment of the Inanna Myth. by Carly Mountain
Eclectic Witch's Book of Shadows
Eclectic Witch's Book of Shadows
Elemental Magick Conway New Ed
Elemental Magick Conway New Ed
Reconnect with Nature through Spells, Rituals, and Meditations. by D. J. Conway (Author), Gabriela Herstik (Foreword)
Enchanted Tea Time
Enchanted Tea Time
Connect to Spirit through Spells, Traditions, Rituals & Celebrations. by Gail Bussi
Entering Hekate's Cave
Entering Hekate's Cave
The Journey Through Darkness to Wholeness. by Cyndi Brannen Ph.D
Floral Grimoire
Floral Grimoire
Plant Charms, Spells, Recipes, and Rituals. by Patricia Telesco
Goddess Energy
Goddess Energy
Awakening the Divine Feminine through Myth and Magick. by Gabriela Herstik
Hades: Myth, Magic & Modern Devotion
Hades: Myth, Magic & Modern Devotion
Mastering Magick
Mastering Magick
A Course in Spellcasting for the Psychic Witch. by Mat Auryn (Author)
Path of Elemental Witchcraft
Path of Elemental Witchcraft
A Wyrd Woman's Book of Shadows. By Sailcrow
Practical Candle Magic: Witchcraft with Wick & Wax
Practical Candle Magic: Witchcraft with Wick & Wax
Protection and Reversal Magick Revised
Protection and Reversal Magick Revised
A Witch's Defense Manual.
Sacramental Theurgy for Witches
Sacramental Theurgy for Witches
Advanced Liturgy Revealed. by Frater Barrabbas
The Evil Eye
The Evil Eye
The History, Mystery, and Magic of the Quiet Curse. by Antonio Pagliarulo
Wicca - A Modern Guide to Witchcraft & Magick
Wicca - A Modern Guide to Witchcraft & Magick
by Harmony Nice (Author)
Witches' Bible
Witches' Bible
The Complete Witches' Handbook. by Stewart Farrar (Author), Janet Farrar (Author)
Witches' Encyclopedia of Magical Plants
Witches' Encyclopedia of Magical Plants
History, Folklore, Correspondences, and Spells. BY SANDRA KYNES
Year and a Day of Everyday Witchcraft
Year and a Day of Everyday Witchcraft
366 Ways to Witchify Your Life. by Deborah Blake
Year of the Dark Goddess
Year of the Dark Goddess
A Journey of Ritual, Renewal & Rebirth. by Lara Vesta