2026 Astrological Pocket
2026 Astrological Pocket
Astrologers of all levels can bring cosmic wisdom wherever they go with this compact, multi-purpose planner.
A favorite resource for more than twenty-five years, Llewellyn's Astrological Pocket Planner makes it easy to find the best times for parties, meetings, family reunions, classes, and many other occasions. This pocket-sized tool is the only resource to include a three-year overview with 2025 - 2027 aspectarian and ephemeris tables.
This planner is packed with trusted data; it includes everything from the Moon's daily signs, phases, and aspects to the perfect days for planting and fishing. Avoid planetary pitfalls with easy-to-read retrograde and Moon void-of-course tables. There's even space to write in your daily appointments so you never miss an opportunity for success.