Carnelian Palm Stone
Carnelian Palm Stone
All Crystals and Stones will have variations in color, shape and size. Pictures are approximations of color, shape and size.
Carnelian is a member of the chalcedony family and is made up of tiny quartz crystals. The gemstone's vibrant colors are due to the presence of iron oxide impurities.
Chakras:Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus
Confidence: Carnelian is said to boost self-confidence and a sense of empowerment. It's believed to activate the root and sacral chakras.
Motivation: Carnelian is known for inspiring action, motivation, and perseverance. It's said to bring life force energy into the body, burning away negative energy.
Creativity: Carnelian is believed to stimulate creativity. It's said to ignite the solar plexus, creating sparks of curiosity and ambition.
Protection: Carnelian protects against envy, rage, and resentment. It's also said to calm anger and banish emotional negativity.
Spiritual growth:Carnelian enhances spiritual growth and deepen one's connection with the inner self and higher realms.
Luck:Carnelian is considered a lucky stone that attracts prosperity, new resources, and good luck.