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Red Wheel Weiser

Nothing Can Stop You

Nothing Can Stop You

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A passionate, true-to-life tale and hands-on guide for self-reflection - journey to discover your authentic self

Whatisyourdeepest desire and dream?Answering thatquestionmeans showing up for yourself, and thatmeans committingto your own heroine's journey.

This is an invitation - and a permission slip - for all people to take up space in this world,become an active participant in their own life, and show up for their most authenticSelf.Consciously written, honest, and heartfelt,
Nothing Can Stop Yousharesspiritualpsychology and meditation teacherErin Rachel Doppelt's search for meaning andself-connection, offeringreaders a plan for waking up to the many possibilities life presents and the steps tochoose their highest possible timeline. Her engaging, entertaining, and often humorous narrative relates how she learned, through trial and error, that there are many false gurus in this worldand that the key to limitless happiness is taking time to meet - and trust - your innerguru.

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